Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Flameless Rechargeable USB Lighter

In lieu of lighter fluid and a flint, this lighter uses resistance coils to create heat. It’s the same technology found in car lighters. The small rechargeable battery cell powering the coil can be recharged via USB. On top of that, there’s some flash memory in there to store files. Damn, might as well give it a couple swiss blades and a nose hair trimmer to complete the package. And Kool? Doesn’t anyone still smoke that....?

Credit Card Size USB Card

The Freecom USB card is a slim, 2-mm flash memory device in credit-card format. Designed especially for business people, the flat device fits into any wallet. The USB  plug is integrated into the card and folds out when the unit is operated. The USB card is available with memory storage capacities ranging from 256 MB to 4 GB and is compatible with Windows and Mac OS X. Data security is guaranteed by password protection and the encryption software that comes with the card